

四姑娘山国家级风景名胜区,位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州小金县四姑娘山镇境内,属青藏高原邛崃山脉,距成都220公里。四姑娘山风景名胜区由四姑娘山、 双桥沟、长坪沟、海子沟“三沟一山”组成,。有主要景点120余个,现已踏勘命名57个。主峰幺妹峰海拔6250米,被称为“蜀山皇后”。四姑娘山居中, 东有海子沟,长30公里;中有长坪沟,长40公里;西有双桥沟,长42公里。四姑娘山风景名胜区,是中国首批对外开放的十大登山名山之一。

Siguniang Mountain National Scenic Area, Hou Jie, Xiaojin County, Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province is located in the four girls town territory, belonging to the Qinghai Tibet Plateau Qionglai mountains, 220 km away from Chengdu. Four Girls Mountain scenic area is composed of Four Girls Mountain, Shuangqiao Gou, Long Ping ditch, ditch the "three mountain",. There are more than 120 major scenic spots, has been named 57 reconnaissance. So Meifeng peak 6250 meters above sea level, known as the "Queen of Shushan". Four Girls Mountain center, East ditch, 30 kilometers long; in the Changping Valley, 40 kilometers long; West Shuangqiao Gou, 42 km long. Four Girls Mountain scenic area, is one of the ten Chinese first opening of the climbing mountains.